Friday, June 27, 2003 :::
Well, if by some odd reason, you are still here I'll let you in on a little secret.
that other guy's thoughts has moved! So update your bookmarks, blogrolls, and pocketbooks. For this site shall now forevermore be abandoned.
So mote it be!
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 3:13:00 AM
Monday, June 23, 2003 ::: the end is near...
until the realm of TOG's thoughts is changed forever
stay tuned
UPDATE: do to technical difficulties, the unveiling has been postponded 24 hours
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 7:19:00 PM
more acronyms
who can guess what I'm dealing with right now?
The COD has come to haunt my soul...or at least make my job harder.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 2:39:00 PM
Saturday, June 21, 2003 ::: hmmm...
Something just occured to me. Are there any professional athletes with naturally red hair? By all accounts, roughly 4-5% of the population of the US are natural red-heads.
The are approximately 4750 professional athletes in the major sports today (NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB) of these, approximately 1820 are white (105 in the NBA, 450 in MLB, 525 in the NFL, 740 in NHL), and I don't know a single one that has red hair. I've got a theory on this, but I'm not going to state it yet. Does anyone know of any? If you do please let me know. And I'm excluding the scottish national soccer team, so don't even go there.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 5:04:00 PM
"Warp 9 *dramatic pause* Engage" the following personal update has been completed in less than 90 seconds. You have been warned
Really close to a slice of weblog suprise pie now. There are lots of people out there who have a distorted view of christianity. There are also some christians with the same problem. ahhh 10 seconds left! I judge the situation overall to be SNAFU...3...2...1...pencils down
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 2:57:00 AM
Friday, June 20, 2003 ::: Best of TOG: Volume 1
I'm pretty sure I've already posted this article before, but I believe it bears mention again. I encourage you to read the whole thing, it kind of puts a different spin on Dem/Rep tax cut bickering. If you're truly intrigued and want to read something else concerning the national economics, try this piece on the debt, or this piece concerning the economics of the future. Both are enjoyable so you should all read them.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 2:11:00 PM
Daily Rant: Alternative Spring Breaks
They're definitely out of season right now, but I'd still like to point out that they are exercises in futility. Hey, I'm all for people volunteering their time to help homeless druggies, but let me offer you a lesson in efficiency.
If you're going to build a house for left-handed, glue-huffing addicted, single mothers of inter-racial homosexual babies, why not build it next door? There is no need to travel to New York from Kansas, I'm sure somebody out of the 10 million will take your place. Save the money you would have spent on a ridiculously expensive airline ticket, and add another story to Uncle Charlie's home for the 1/8-crazed Albanian albino handicapped she-males. Thousands of college students are wasting their collective money by jaunting off to some remote location to help a disease ridden people who have recently been abandoned by their local college students who themselves have jaunted off to the hometown of the aforementioned college population, thus completing the cycle of futility.
You want to see the world and that's fine, but call it what it is, a vacation.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 2:46:00 AM
Thursday, June 19, 2003 ::: underGRADS
So come and talk to me on my computer screen
The best years of our lives aren't as easy as they seem
But one day we'll look back and then we'll have to laugh
They used to call us names now they want our autographs
To get the girl and make the grade
It's all a show
It's all a game
And I would lose it if I played
It's all the same
So I don't care what they say
I don't need them anyway
I'll just go about my day
But anyway
You go out on Friday night
I'll stay in but that's all right
'Cause I have found a clique
To call my own in-crowd
I don't care your crowd
My crowd
We can't share
'Cause I have found a Clique to call my own
She says she'd call
But I know she won't
(She won't)
(She won't)
I don't care what you say
I don't need you anyway
I'll just go about my day
But anyway
-Good Charlotte, The Click
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 3:07:00 AM
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 ::: Letterman
Did anybody else watch the Late Show tonight? Former head -o- the EPA Christie Todd Whitman was on, and to my suprise it was one of the best political interviews I have ever seen, bar none. Dave is actually smart and actually asked difficult questions, and Whitman cut the crap and actually answered them. In the next few days I'll see if I can find the transcript and link to it, so stayed tuned.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 11:54:00 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 ::: how about a serving of awesome sauce?
Special suprise concerning this blog coming relatively soon. I few thing to work out, but change is a coming.
Personal Update: I'm reveling in my new found militant role. Plotting such horrible deeds as not bossing people around, letting them keep their money, and looking the other way when they make their own choices. I'm also planning a membership drive, setting up schools for young militants, and obtaining external funds to finace my whole operation. Anybody else want to join?
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 8:38:00 PM
Monday, June 16, 2003 ::: arrrrrrrghhh!
okay, I can't take it anymore, I'm too pissed off at this anti-fatty people guy so I'm going to point out the idiocy in his article please bare with me
"As a nation, we have become so fat that we really do deserve to be called ugly Americans." what does being fat have to do with being ugly? Stop your collectivism, and stop caring about what people call you
"statistics show that obesity causes 300,000 deaths each year and costs the economy $117 billion per year in additional health-care expenses" people going to doctors doesn't "cost" the economy anything, it's the free exchange of services & wealth. Fat dude gives, doctor receives, therefore the value of the economy is the same.
"In today’s climate, it seems that voters would sooner accept a politician who sleeps with sheep than a politician who would willfully raise taxes or invent new ones" Heck yeah! that bovine love affair neither costs me money nor affects me in any way.
"We already have special taxes on cigarettes and alcohol in hopes of discouraging widespread use of these deadly substances. Yet only a fringe group of militant anti-tax Libertarians (hey, some of my best friends are militant anti-tax Libertarians, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think they’re wackos) would fail to see their value." Sweet, I now possess an adjective that I share only with Osama and his cronies. Boo-yah Militants!
"Americans don’t need government to be our Big Brother or, in this case, our Big Nanny. I would argue that we do" Get out of my country you pinko-commie liberal crack whore! Move to a nursing home in sweden if you want to be cared for. The rest of us would like to run our own lives if you don't mind.
Now I'm going out to eat a 1/2 pound hamburger, a bucket of deep-fat fried fat, a gross of twinkies, and drink a gallon of Mountain Dew.
Cue the Demerest Laugh Hah!
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 3:10:00 PM
The United States Government: Protecting you from yourself since 1931
Some guy in New York wants a special tax on fatty foods, now Newsweek is in favor of it. I refer you all to my threepreviousposts on where this will take us. (special side note: if you read the whole newsweek article, the author calls me and all liberitarians wackos, which is the equivilent of calling the founding fathers wackos)
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 2:38:00 PM
Friday, June 13, 2003 ::: because I can
I present to you the corniest thing ever to be put on this website:
because it's Friday the 13th you know
Anyway, on with the fun:
Just what I always wanted, the goods on Hilary's book.
Also, I'm seriously considering purchasing my own top-level domain and moving to Movable Type so that I'll have to deal with neither Blogger’s unreliability nor KU's lack of amenities. This once again would require some effort on my part, so this idea will most likely fade out of existence, but at least it's out there. For those of you with actual expierence in this area (Juby, I'm looking in your direction) let me know what you think.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 1:35:00 PM
Thursday, June 12, 2003 ::: Mobius Strips are bad for you
You know, a mobius strip, the 3-dimensional geometric shape that perpetually turns back on itself. Anyway in my daily musings around the internet, I've run into a quote by Max Hastings who is a "veteran war correspondent" or so 75% of the media tells me. I've never even heard of the guy. Anyway, on with the quote, "The Prime Minister committed British troops and sacrificed British lives on the basis of a deceit" which seems to be the over whelming critizism of all the anti-war-mongers (as mongering of all that is anti-war). So I'm putting all personal feelings aside (not really) and will apply some good old fashioned logic. Here we go:
If you were hell-bent on going to war, and needed an excuse to passify the public, there are too reasonings you can give. They are guilty of unspeakable evil, or they are getting ready to hurt us. Either way, you've got to pick up the tab at some point. You need proof of whatever excuse you used. It doesn't matter if you make it up or not, just as long as the masses believe you. After the war you have total control over the other country and can basically do whatever you want. So the only real question when waging war is, which reason do you give. This choice is futher simplified by what evidence you have to work with. Proving unspeakable evil is pretty easy, write some fiery speeches, find some heart-wrenching stories, and back it up with a bunch of dead people. Proving threat is more complicated, takes lots of military intelligence, and motice oporendi, and I'm not going to explain it here, suffice to say, it's pretty freaking hard. So your choice all depends on what you can prove, keeping in mind that nobody will allow you excuses because you control the whole country afterwards.
Thus logic dictates, that it's not wise to lie about intelligence in order to wage a war that will prove that you are lying. It's like shooting yourself in the foot, except the bullet takes a few months to get there. Tony Blair is a pretty smart guy, and by and large, so is the Bush administration. I'm going to assume they thought of this long ago, thus leaving me with but a few options of history.
1. The intelligence was total crap.
2. Intelligence was good and somewhere in Iraq there is a bunker full of anthrax
3. Blair and Bush lied, and should be classified as legally retarded.
Only time will tell, and I'm not off the WMD bandwagon yet.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 2:56:00 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2003 ::: RIP: Long Bet
I'm bored with it, so I killed it and something that fits my fancy. So I present you with an eulogy of recent results.
Who will will their respective sports world championship first?
Chicago Cubs: 6% (4)
Boston Red Sox: 93% (62)
U.S. Men's Soccer: 0% (0)
Cincinnati Bengals: 0% (0)
Clevland Cavaliers: 0% (0)
To which I say: Damn it Ben Affleck go smack J-Lo's butt or something.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 8:18:00 PM
Tuesday, June 10, 2003 ::: Keanu Reeves: Whoa!
I've had my present job for a full year now, and the guy who had it before me, Mark, got married while he was working here. Not too weird eh? there are lots of non-traditional students. Today I met the guy who had the job before Mark did, and he got married when he had the job too. Striking coicidence? that's what I figured, until Joe (the guy before Mark) started talking about the guy who had the job before him. Apparently this guy worked here for like 6 years earning both his bachelor's and master's degrees, and during his tenor, guess what? He got married too. So in keeping with the tradition, I've got 2 years to wine and dine the ladies, trick one of them into accepting my ineptitude in exchange for lots of money forever. I'd better get right on that...but not till after dinner.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 5:17:00 PM
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 3:09:00 PM
Sunday, June 08, 2003 ::: Health Care in these United States (Part 3)
They shouldn’t advertise so much, or make there food so easy to get, or so yummy for that matter. It’s unfair that we’re forced to pay the doctors’ bills of these homegrown fatties”
So tobacco and fast-food companies fall by the way side forced into near obliteration by lawsuits and legal fees. And when there was no more money to be ripped from the carcasses of these companies, the friendly neighborhood public official moved on, hoping that he would quickly find new prey, so that no one would take the time to notice that he doesn’t actual produce anything, he merely redistributes the wealth with the help of a gun.
“Whose next? What’s next? Gun makers! People pull triggers and guns shoot bullets, fast moving bullets kill people! Stop killing innocent babies you evil gun companies! You willfully sell a product that can kill people. We’ll see you in court!
Oh, but they weren’t done
“What? You want a piece of this? Candle makers! Candles hold fire, fire burns houses, and people die in house fires! Stop killing innocent babies you evil candle companies! You willfully sell a product that can kill people. We’ll see you in court!
That’s never a pretty site, but you see where this is going so We’ll fast forward a little bit.
“…and that my fellow citizens is why doctors are pure evil. Now I sign this law that requires them to save everyone regardless of injury, everyone has a right to life, not just those that don’t jump off 1000 ft cliffs onto jagged rocks, not just those who don’t set themselves a blaze, not just those who have working internal organs or the capability to bleed. We demand equality”
Alright, that’s about all I can stand, I’m going to go buy my own pacific island where I don’t have to live for the sake of another man.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 8:05:00 PM
nut'n happening
This reminds me of my Final aerodynamics lab. WARNING: non-original explectives ahead
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 3:31:00 PM
Friday, June 06, 2003 ::: DTFU: level 1 (aka. DTMU)
Last fall I took thermodynamics and used a friend of mine's text book. This spring Hullman used the same book. This summer guess who's borrowing the same exact book? My Stength-o=Materials TA, and that's kind of weird. Thus I inducted this situation into the first level of the DTFU hall-o-fame. Which is conviently know as the "Dude, that's messed up" level, or the realm of SNAFU.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 5:34:00 PM
Thursday, June 05, 2003 ::: just in case you were wondering
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 11:50:00 PM
Wednesday, June 04, 2003 ::: about last night
Went out with Kristi last night and we had a gay old time (as in happy...It was fun...get your mind out of the gutter) went and saw Bruce Almighty, after being sold tickets to Finding Nemo by a pimply-faced 17-year old who aparently can't tell the difference between the words "Bruce" and "Nemo". Movie was good, went to Wally World afterwards to get Kristi boxes for packing. Chilled at her house for a while and came to the conclusion that the part of the brain that creates the romatic "spark" is on a entirely different space-time continuim than the rest of the universe. Fo Shizzle.
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 2:02:00 PM
Health Care in these United States (Part 2) The continued history of health sayth by TOG
They're all real happy because their representing the little guy and lots of people are glad to help, and those that didn't want to pay somebody else bills get guilt tripped into acting like they want to so that they don't get stoned to death and they families kittens set ablaze and thrown through their kitchen window.
All's well on the face of things until somebody checks the numbers. Keeping the sickliest of the sicklies alive apparently cost real money, not the fake political promises money, because doctors can't deposit that in the back or use it to buy bread and milk at the grocery store. Then the guy who got elected by promising to keep everybody alive comes to the realization that he doesn't have the foggiest idea how to do it. So he's tripping hard-core one day because he knows he's screwed so what's the point, when he has a brain fart, which he mistakes for an idea. "Let's prevent people from getting all sickly like in the first place" he exclaims, nobody realizes what their getting into and he gets re-elected, using it as a "mandate from the masses" and sets out to cure the social ills that are people are killing themselves with.
So we pickup with the friendly neighborhood public official,
"First on the agenda, Dinosaurs. Oh, okay I guess they're already gone, good riddance, now they can't bite off any more legs or discharge any more foulness. Next on the agenda, Smoking. All right, tobacco companies make cigarettes, people that smoke cigarettes get sick, and we are forced to take care of them. Sue them, never mind the fact that nobody forced the people to smoke, or that we volunteered to distribute the wealth of the nation to these tobacco-ridden sicklies. People need somebody to blame, why not tobacco companies? They're just companies, nobody gets hurt, well except for the thousands of employee they can no longer afford to pay. Hey, will take care of them through unemployment benefits. Damn, somebody's got to pay for that too, You-who...Mr. productive citizen you can spare some wealth can't you, I thought so." You can see where this is going really fast, and we don't even get the frilly little hand basket. Anyway, back to the gov't official
"Ha ha, got those punks, now who else is performing actions responding to a consumer that I can misconstrue and a public enemy hell bent on killing each and every one of us? Ah-ha! Food! People who eat get fat, and fat people can become obese sickly people, down with the fast food menace! No, I don't care that food is required to live, or that people willing give up their $4.83 to sample a tasty Big Mac uber-huge fries and a Diet Coke. They should advertise so much, or make there food so easy to get, or so yummy for that matter. It’s unfair that we’re forced to pay the doctors’ bills of these homegrown fatties”
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 1:21:00 PM
Monday, June 02, 2003 ::: I have the power!
this interesting bit from Forbes about the anti-logic protesters,
Breaking camp after a weekend of violent protests in France and neighbouring Switzerland, activists were unsure about the effect their efforts were having on the tight circle of world leaders they denounce as heartless Masters of the Universe.
Boo-yah, He-man!
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 1:46:00 PM
more like fuah-spot!
I'm getting quite iritated @ blogspot. I am frequently stuck with only having the background and top ad-banner load. I know this isn't a problem with my source code, becuase it happens to every other blog I visit on the blogspot domain. I'm contemplating moving the entire site over to my personal webspace on the University's server, and just put a pointer on blogspot. So to stick with my theme of late (i.e. insensate ramblings or pointless lists) I will type out a pointless list of the pro's and con's of moving the site.
pro less flakeyness
no ads
more accesibility (actual access to server space) good excuse to learn XML, some scripting, and the like
total control muah! muah-ha! muah-ha-ha-ha!!!
con it actually takes effort
less memorable web address
it's not already done for me
I'd feel compelled to learn XML, some scripting, and the like
KU could get mad if I drop the F-bomb
I'm too lazy
what do you think? ::: posted by Kyle at 10:51:00 AM
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